Involves the customization of an application for a specific locale. One major task in this phase is the translation of resources identified during the globalization phase. During this phase, various resources, such as images and text , for the designated locale are created.
v The utmost basic entity in this scenario is Culture. The Culture information (usually called CultureInfo) includes the Language, Country/Region, Calender,Formats of Date, Currency,number System, and Sorting Order.This all information is defined inside CultureInfo Class, Which is inside the namespace System.Globalization.
v According to MSDN,The culture names follow a standard in the format “<languagecode>-<country>”, where <languagecode> is a lowercase two-letter code and <country> is an uppercase two-letter code.
v The object raised from this class, when set true will be changing the culture of your application.But it’s never so that you make an application. In English culture,and raise an object of CultureInfo class for French language and automatically everything will start working for French.
v For each cultures’ UI that is the text , images you want to see over the forms you will have to define the translations explicitly. This information is known as resources , and they exist in form of .resx files . These are xml files , and to read , write,manage them there are various classes listed under System.Resources namespace.